
【臺泰學術交流 泰國Bansomdejchaopraya Rajabhat University, BSRU第八屆ASEAN+3 Youth Camp】

臺泰學術交流 泰國Bansomdejchaopraya Rajabhat University, BSRU第八屆ASEAN+3 Youth Camp

時間 Date: 113.1.13-1.20 ( Jan 13-20 2024)

說明Description: 本校華語教學中心黃蘭棻主任率領3位學生於113113日至120日前往泰國姊妹校(Bansomdejchaopraya Rajabhat University, BSRU)參與其校慶、ASEAN論壇營隊活動,並進行交流及節目表演,介紹了臺灣的飲食、節慶、建築、語言方面的文化,還有來自臺灣的魯凱族和排灣族的服裝,此外,許多各國遠道而來的長官,和泰國學生一起體驗如何寫春聯,品嘗臺灣特有的高山茶、了解臺灣原住民族的文化、臺灣節慶等等許多的文化介紹與體驗,此次的交流,不僅體現了雙方對文化認同的的尊重和理解,更是為日後雙方的合作奠定了穩固的基礎。The Director of the Chinese Language Center at National Pingtung University (NPTU), Huang, Lan-Fen, led 3 students from January 13th to January 20th, 2024, to Thailand's Bansomdejchaopraya Rajabhat University, BSRU to participate in its anniversary celebration, the ASEAN forum camp activities, and to conduct exchanges and program performances. They introduced Taiwanese culture in terms of food, festivals, architecture, and language, as well as costumes of the Rukai and Paiwan tribes from Taiwan. Moreover, many officials from various countries, along with Thai students, experienced how to write Spring Festival couplets, tasted Taiwan's unique high mountain tea, and learned about the culture of Taiwan's indigenous peoples, Taiwanese festivals, and many other cultural introductions and experiences. This exchange not only reflected the mutual respect and understanding of cultural identity between both sides but also laid a solid foundation for future cooperation between NPTU and BSRU.
