【臺泰學術交流 落實國際移動力 】

【臺泰學術交流 落實國際移動力】【Taiwan-Thailand Academic Exchange: Implementing International Mobility】
時間 Date: 113.2.12-2.16 ( Feb 12-16 2024)
說明Description: 本校施百俊副校長於2月中旬領銜三位文化創意產業學系的優秀學生—林品辰、林鈺雯與李宜庭—赴泰國姊妹校,泰普薩德里皇家師範大學(Thepsatri Rajabhat University, TRU),參與該校的周年校慶和第七屆國際學術與文化交流(IACE, INTERNATIONAL ACADEMIC & CULTURAL EXCHANGE)活動。在英語簡報比賽中,林鈺雯與李宜庭同學脫穎而出,榮獲第三名,充分展現了我校學生的卓越學術實力。此行,代表團亦深入參觀了泰國學校的資訊學院與管理學院等關鍵學術單位,此次深度交流不僅拓寬了雙方的學術視野和文化認識,也為未來的合作關係奠定了堅實的基礎。In mid-February, Vice President Shi Baijun led three outstanding students from our Department of Cultural and Creative Industries—Lin, Pin-Chen, Lin, Yu-Wen, and Li, Yi-Ting—to our sister school in Thailand, Thepsatri Rajabhat University (TRU), to participate in the school's anniversary celebration and the 7th International Academic and Cultural Exchange (IACE) event. Lin, Yu-Wen, and Li, Yi-Ting stood out in the English presentation competition, awarding third place and fully demonstrating the exceptional academic capabilities of our students. During this visit, the delegation also took a deeper look into key academic institutions at the Thai university, including the College of Computer Science and the College of Management. This in-depth exchange not only broadened the academic perspectives and cultural understanding of both parties but also laid a solid foundation for future cooperation.