
【國立屏東大學拜會胡志明市師範大學 推動師生交流合作】
2024年10月30日,國立屏東大學(National Pingtung University, NPTU)代表團拜會胡志明市師範大學(Ho Chi Minh City University of Education, HCMUE),進一步深化兩校之間的姐妹校合作。此次會談由屏東大學陳皇州國際長帶領,胡志明市師範大學副校長Dr. Bui Tran Quynh Ngoc、國際合作處副主任Dr. Huynh Xuan Nhut,以及華語中心的系主任及副主任出席熱情接待。On October 30, 2024, a delegation from National Pingtung University (NPTU) visited Ho Chi Minh City University of Education (HCMUE) to further strengthen the sister school partnership between the two institutions. The meeting was led by Dean Dr. Kelvin Chen from NPTU, and warmly welcomed by Dr. Bui Tran Quynh Ngoc, Vice President of HCMUE, Dr. Huynh Xuan Nhut, Deputy Director of the International Cooperation Office, along with the Director and Deputy Director of the Chinese Language Center.
胡志明市師範大學作為越南重點國立教育大學,秉持著培養專業、有道德且對社會負責的學習者為宗旨,該校目標是在2030年成為東南亞一流的教育機構,並且在教師培訓和科學研究領域具有領導地位。雙方此次討論重點包括推動學生交換、教職員交流,以及未來進一步的研究合作等議題。As a key national education university in Vietnam, HCMUE aims to cultivate professional, ethical, and socially responsible learners. The university's goal is to become a leading educational institution in Southeast Asia by 2030, excelling in teacher training and scientific research. The discussions focused on promoting student exchanges, faculty cooperation, and future collaborative research initiatives.
在會中,胡志明市師範大學對於如何深化兩校合作表達了濃厚的興趣。陳皇州國際長回應表示,屏東大學目前已經為TEEP計劃的學生提供交換機會,並且我們的教師會全力照顧前來的學生。此外,台灣教育部每月提供15000台幣的獎學金,也讓這項計劃更加吸引人。此外,針對華語獎學金方案及iSMART計劃的內容,國際長也表達了希望能進一步開啟相關合作的期待。During the meeting, HCMUE expressed a keen interest in deepening cooperation with NPTU. In response, Dean Dr. Kelvin Chen highlighted that NPTU currently offers exchange opportunities for students under the TEEP program, with dedicated support from faculty for incoming students. Additionally, the Taiwan Ministry of Education provides a monthly scholarship of 15,000 NTD, making this program even more attractive. Dr. Chen also expressed hopes for further collaboration regarding the Chinese language scholarship program and the iSMART initiative.
胡志明市師範大學的代表進一步詢問了有關iSMART和TEEP計劃的具體內容,包括課程安排及語言檢定的相關規定。陳皇州國際長對此表示,希望能藉由這些計劃,為雙方的交流提供更多可能性。Representatives from HCMUE inquired about the specific details of the iSMART and TEEP programs, including course arrangements and language proficiency requirements. Dr. Chen indicated a desire to explore these initiatives further to enhance mutual exchanges.
同時,華語中心主任也詢問台灣是否提供獎學金的機會,讓學生能夠在台灣實習或參訪企業。國際長隨後回覆,希望胡志明師範大學能夠提供相關計劃書,這樣我們可以進一步參考與討論,共同推動這些有意義的合作。At the same time, the Director of the Chinese Language Center inquired about scholarship opportunities for students to intern or visit businesses in Taiwan. Dr. Chen responded by requesting HCMUE to provide relevant proposals so that NPTU can consider and discuss them further, facilitating meaningful collaboration.
國立屏東大學長期致力於推動華語教學與華語學習,此次會議中,陳皇州國際長特別強調了華語在兩校合作中的重要性。本校華語教學中心主任黃蘭棻介紹了屏東大學在華語教學領域的卓越成果,並展示了密集訓練班、華語專班、客製化課程及華語文化體驗等多元教學形式。此外,屏東大學還提供華語師資培訓計畫,為越南及其他地區的華語教學培育更多專業人才。NPTU has long been committed to promoting Chinese language education and learning. During the meeting, Dr. Chen emphasized the importance of Chinese language programs in the collaboration between the two universities. Director Lan-Fen Huang of the Chinese Language Center showcased NPTU's outstanding achievements in Chinese language education, highlighting various teaching formats, including intensive training programs, specialized Chinese courses, customized curricula, and cultural experiences. Furthermore, NPTU offers Chinese language teacher training programs to cultivate more professionals for Chinese language education in Vietnam and other regions.
此次拜會,為兩校未來在學生交換及師生交流、研究合作等領域的深化合作奠定了基礎,也展現了屏東大學在國際華語教學推廣方面的領導地位。This visit lays a solid foundation for future cooperation in student exchanges, faculty collaboration, and research initiatives, showcasing NPTU's leadership in the international promotion of Chinese language education.
2024年10月30日,國立屏東大學(National Pingtung University, NPTU)代表團拜會胡志明市師範大學(Ho Chi Minh City University of Education, HCMUE),進一步深化兩校之間的姐妹校合作。此次會談由屏東大學陳皇州國際長帶領,胡志明市師範大學副校長Dr. Bui Tran Quynh Ngoc、國際合作處副主任Dr. Huynh Xuan Nhut,以及華語中心的系主任及副主任出席熱情接待。On October 30, 2024, a delegation from National Pingtung University (NPTU) visited Ho Chi Minh City University of Education (HCMUE) to further strengthen the sister school partnership between the two institutions. The meeting was led by Dean Dr. Kelvin Chen from NPTU, and warmly welcomed by Dr. Bui Tran Quynh Ngoc, Vice President of HCMUE, Dr. Huynh Xuan Nhut, Deputy Director of the International Cooperation Office, along with the Director and Deputy Director of the Chinese Language Center.
胡志明市師範大學作為越南重點國立教育大學,秉持著培養專業、有道德且對社會負責的學習者為宗旨,該校目標是在2030年成為東南亞一流的教育機構,並且在教師培訓和科學研究領域具有領導地位。雙方此次討論重點包括推動學生交換、教職員交流,以及未來進一步的研究合作等議題。As a key national education university in Vietnam, HCMUE aims to cultivate professional, ethical, and socially responsible learners. The university's goal is to become a leading educational institution in Southeast Asia by 2030, excelling in teacher training and scientific research. The discussions focused on promoting student exchanges, faculty cooperation, and future collaborative research initiatives.
在會中,胡志明市師範大學對於如何深化兩校合作表達了濃厚的興趣。陳皇州國際長回應表示,屏東大學目前已經為TEEP計劃的學生提供交換機會,並且我們的教師會全力照顧前來的學生。此外,台灣教育部每月提供15000台幣的獎學金,也讓這項計劃更加吸引人。此外,針對華語獎學金方案及iSMART計劃的內容,國際長也表達了希望能進一步開啟相關合作的期待。During the meeting, HCMUE expressed a keen interest in deepening cooperation with NPTU. In response, Dean Dr. Kelvin Chen highlighted that NPTU currently offers exchange opportunities for students under the TEEP program, with dedicated support from faculty for incoming students. Additionally, the Taiwan Ministry of Education provides a monthly scholarship of 15,000 NTD, making this program even more attractive. Dr. Chen also expressed hopes for further collaboration regarding the Chinese language scholarship program and the iSMART initiative.
胡志明市師範大學的代表進一步詢問了有關iSMART和TEEP計劃的具體內容,包括課程安排及語言檢定的相關規定。陳皇州國際長對此表示,希望能藉由這些計劃,為雙方的交流提供更多可能性。Representatives from HCMUE inquired about the specific details of the iSMART and TEEP programs, including course arrangements and language proficiency requirements. Dr. Chen indicated a desire to explore these initiatives further to enhance mutual exchanges.
同時,華語中心主任也詢問台灣是否提供獎學金的機會,讓學生能夠在台灣實習或參訪企業。國際長隨後回覆,希望胡志明師範大學能夠提供相關計劃書,這樣我們可以進一步參考與討論,共同推動這些有意義的合作。At the same time, the Director of the Chinese Language Center inquired about scholarship opportunities for students to intern or visit businesses in Taiwan. Dr. Chen responded by requesting HCMUE to provide relevant proposals so that NPTU can consider and discuss them further, facilitating meaningful collaboration.
國立屏東大學長期致力於推動華語教學與華語學習,此次會議中,陳皇州國際長特別強調了華語在兩校合作中的重要性。本校華語教學中心主任黃蘭棻介紹了屏東大學在華語教學領域的卓越成果,並展示了密集訓練班、華語專班、客製化課程及華語文化體驗等多元教學形式。此外,屏東大學還提供華語師資培訓計畫,為越南及其他地區的華語教學培育更多專業人才。NPTU has long been committed to promoting Chinese language education and learning. During the meeting, Dr. Chen emphasized the importance of Chinese language programs in the collaboration between the two universities. Director Lan-Fen Huang of the Chinese Language Center showcased NPTU's outstanding achievements in Chinese language education, highlighting various teaching formats, including intensive training programs, specialized Chinese courses, customized curricula, and cultural experiences. Furthermore, NPTU offers Chinese language teacher training programs to cultivate more professionals for Chinese language education in Vietnam and other regions.
此次拜會,為兩校未來在學生交換及師生交流、研究合作等領域的深化合作奠定了基礎,也展現了屏東大學在國際華語教學推廣方面的領導地位。This visit lays a solid foundation for future cooperation in student exchanges, faculty collaboration, and research initiatives, showcasing NPTU's leadership in the international promotion of Chinese language education.