

今日(6月19日),伴隨著泰國艷陽高照的好天氣,本校陳永森校長來到泰國訪問行程的第四站——湄州大(Maejo University, MJU)。湄州大學的副校長Dr. Pawn Manochai以熱情的禮遇接待了陳校長及其代表團,讓此次訪問在和煦的陽光和熱情的迎接中顯得格外愉快。Today (June 19), under the bright sunshine of Thailand, President Robert Chen of our university arrived at the fourth stop of his visit to Thailand - Maejo University. Vice President Dr. Pawn Manochai of Maejo University warmly received President Chen and his delegation, making this visit especially pleasant with the warm sunshine and enthusiastic welcome.

湄州大學秉持著核心教育理念,致力於培養學生具備學術和專業知識,尤其是成為能夠適應時代變化的企業家。該校重點關注農業、應用科學、外語、資訊科技等學科,並著眼於與經濟發展和地方經濟發展方向相適應的學科設置。陳永森校長在會中表示,國際教育的步伐應是一致的,屏東大學始終堅持「立足南臺灣,邁向全世界」的教學信念,致力於培養能對社會做出貢獻的專業人才。透過國際學術連結,屏東大學立足本地,放眼全球,努力推動國際教育合作。Maejo University upholds its core educational philosophy, striving to equip students with academic and professional knowledge, particularly to become entrepreneurs capable of adapting to changing times. The university focuses on disciplines such as agriculture, applied sciences, foreign languages, and information technology, with an emphasis on aligning its academic programs with economic development and local economic trends. During the meeting, President Chen stated that the pace of international education should be consistent, and Pingtung University has always adhered to the teaching belief of "Rooted in Southern Taiwan, Embracing the World." The university is dedicated to cultivating professionals who can contribute to society. Through international academic connections, Pingtung University is rooted locally, looks globally, and strives to promote international educational cooperation.

此次洽談重點是本校積極推動的iSMART Program新型專班及國際化教育的Co-Co計畫。屏東科學園區豐富多元的就業機會以及大江生醫的實質合作機會,都是吸引湄州大學興趣的亮點。本校陳皇州國際長詳細介紹了這些計畫,湄州大學表示對此非常感興趣,並進一步詢問來台學生實習及交換的具體條件。The focus of this meeting was on the iSMART Program, a new specialized program actively promoted by our university, and the Co-Co plan for international education. The diverse employment opportunities in the Pingtung Science Park and the substantial collaboration opportunities with TCI company are highlights that have attracted the interest of Maejo University. Our university's International Affairs Director, Dr. Kelvin Chen, provided a detailed introduction to these programs. Maejo University expressed great interest and further inquired about the specific conditions for internships and exchanges for students coming to Taiwan.

會中,湄州大學表達了未來與本校資訊學院合作的期望,雙方期待通過積極互動,展現臺泰兩國友好的形象,共同為國際教育奉獻心力,並持續關注後續合作的可能性。During the meeting, Maejo University expressed its desire to collaborate with our College of Information Science in the future. Both parties look forward to demonstrating the friendly relationship between Thailand and Taiwan through active interaction, jointly contributing to international education, and continuously exploring future cooperation possibilities.

此外,湄州大學還安排了參觀化學系的行程,陳國際長也誠摯歡迎他們未來有機會到屏東大學應化系參觀交流,促進雙方切磋學習,共同進步。Additionally, Maejo University arranged a visit to their Department of Chemistry. Director of International Affairs, Dr. Kelvin Chen, also sincerely welcomed them to visit and exchange ideas with the Department of Applied Chemistry at Pingtung University in the future, fostering mutual learning and progress.
