

今日(618日),國立屏東大學陳永森校長訪問泰國的第四站——帕堯大學,此次訪問旨在加強雙方的學術合作與交流,未來有機會進一步簽署合作備忘錄(MOU)。帕堯大學人文社會學院院長及中文系主任親自接待,並由負責管理清萊校區的主任Dr. Tipchan Wongchanta帶領我們參觀校園。帕堯大學學生對於來屏東大學進行交換學習表現出濃厚的興趣。Today (June 18), President Robert Chen of National Pingtung University (NPTU) visited the fourth stop on his Thailand tour—the University of Phayao (UP). This visit aims to strengthen academic cooperation and exchange between the two institutions, with the potential to sign a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) in the future. The Dean of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences and the Head of the Chinese Department at the University of Phayao personally received President Chen. Dr. Tipchan Wongchanta, the director responsible for managing the Chiang Rai campus, guided the campus tour. The students at the University of Phayao expressed a keen interest in participating in exchange programs at National Pingtung University.

帕堯大學是一所優質的高等教育機構,致力於培養優秀畢業生,服務社會和國家。在經驗豐富且具有前瞻性的管理團隊領導下,帕堯大學展現了真正完美大學的風範。The University of Phayao is a high-quality higher education institution dedicated to nurturing outstanding graduates who serve society and the nation. Under the leadership of an experienced and forward-thinking management team, the University of Phayao embodies the qualities of a truly exemplary university.

此次洽談的重點之一是Co-Co計畫,由本校陳皇州國際事務長主要介紹,本校擁有六大學院,提供多元化的入學和出國學習及實習管道。同時,雙方就EMI課程進行了深入交流,陳校長也邀請帕堯大學至屏東大學人文社會學院及屏大附小進行互訪與交流,期望通過雙邊合作,共同提升教育品質。One of the key focuses of this meeting was the Co-Co Project, primarily introduced by NPTU's Dean of International Affairs, Kelvin Chen. NPTU comprises six major colleges, offering diverse pathways for admissions, overseas studies, and internships. In addition, both parties engaged in in-depth discussions on EMI (English as a Medium of Instruction) courses. President Chen also extended an invitation to the University of Phayao to visit NPTU's College of Humanities and Social Sciences and its affiliated elementary school, aiming to enhance educational quality through bilateral cooperation.

陳永森校長在會談中提到,屏東大學即將與法國及義大利簽署協議,為學生提供三聯學位學程的機會。陳國際長強調,這樣的互惠關係將為學生帶來更多優質的學習和發展機會。During the meeting, President Robert Chen mentioned that National Pingtung University is about to sign agreements with France and Italy, providing students with the opportunity to enroll in a triple degree program. Dean Kelvin Chen emphasized that such reciprocal relationships will offer students more high-quality learning and development opportunities.

此次訪問,秉持著千里之行,始於足下的精神,為兩校未來的合作奠定了堅實的基礎,並為兩國教育交流開創了新的篇章。This visit, embodying the spirit of "a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step," has laid a solid foundation for future cooperation between the two universities and opened a new chapter in educational exchange between the two countries.
