第 一 條 本校為鼓勵學生參加本校與國外合作單位合作之國際探索營,學習外國文化或語言,進一步學習獨立自主與提升個人國際移動力,特訂定本獎學金辦法(以下簡稱本辦法)。
第 二 條 受獎資格
第 三 條 受獎流程
第 四 條 相關細則
第 五 條 受獎學生義務
第 六 條 本辦法經行政會議通過後實施。
National Pingtung University International Exploration Camp Scholarship Regulations
(Approved by the 114th Administrative Meeting of the University on December 5, 2024)
Article 1 – Purpose
To encourage students to participate in international exploration camps co-organized by the university and overseas partner institutions, fostering cultural or language learning, enhancing independence, and improving international mobility, these scholarship regulations (hereinafter referred to as "the Regulations") are established.
Article 2 – Eligibility
1. Full-time undergraduate students of the university who qualify through the selection process.
2. This excludes Mainland Chinese students, students on leave of absence, and part-time undergraduate students.
Article 3 – Application Process
1. Selection is conducted through a competitive process in accordance with the relevant selection guidelines.
2. Selected students who qualify for the scholarship must initially pay the fees to the overseas partner institutions directly. The scholarship will be disbursed within two months after the completion of the entire international exploration camp and upon return to the university.
Article 4 – Related Provisions
1. Within two months of completing the international exploration camp, recipients must submit the payment receipt issued by the overseas partner institution, proof of participation, and a reflection report (including an electronic version) to the selection unit to apply for scholarship reimbursement.
2. The required funds will be supported by the Ministry of Education’s Higher Education Sprout Project or other subsidy programs. The number of recipients and the amount awarded will be adjusted according to the university’s allocated funds under the aforementioned programs. However, the maximum scholarship amount for each recipient is NT$20,000 per session.
Article 5 – Obligations of Scholarship Recipients
1. Within two months after the camp, students must submit the payment receipt, proof of participation, and a reflection report (including an electronic version) to apply for reimbursement.
2. The reflection report, including photos and videos, must be authorized for non-profit use and reproduction by the university without compensation. A copyright authorization form must be signed. If copyrighted materials (photos, videos) are included, students must obtain authorization from the original creator.
3. Before graduation, students must participate in relevant achievement presentations, press conferences, or sharing events organized by the university, assisting in answering inquiries from other students about the international exploration camp.
4. If a student fails to fulfill these obligations, the selection unit may cancel or reduce the scholarship amount.
Article 6 – Implementation
The Regulations shall take effect upon approval by the administrative meeting.
Responsible Unit: Office of International Affairs