【學術橋梁,文化相連 — NPTU-URU,友誼無邊!】

國立屏東大學(National Pingtung University, NPTU)57日至59日迎接來自泰國姊妹校武塔拉帝皇家師範大學(Uttaradit Rajabhat University, URU) 9名博士班學生與4位師長,參加「NPTU-URU Academic Trip」學術交流營隊,其中更由Assistant President Asst. Prof. Dr. Siwat KamolkunanonDr. Panu Sittiwong以及博班學生的指導教授Assoc. Prof. Dr. Rapin Posrie Dr. Warangkhana Sutin親自帶領,展現了對學生的支持與關愛。National Pingtung University (NPTU) welcomed nine doctoral students and four faculty members from its Thai sister school, Uttaradit Rajabhat University (URU), to participate in the "NPTU-URU Academic Trip." This academic exchange camp was led by URU's Assistant President, Asst. Prof. Dr. Siwat Kamolkunanon, Dr. Panu Sittiwong, and Adivisor Assoc. Prof. Dr. Rapin Posrie and Dr. Warangkhana Sutin demonstrating her support and care for the students.

此次學術營隊不僅旨在加深了兩校的友好關係,也提供了一個展現學術成就的平台。學生們透過研討會的形式,發表了各自的研究成果,議題涵蓋文化交流、教育創新等多方面,使參與學生獲得了寶貴的學習與交流機會。This academic camp not only aimed to deepen the friendly relations between the two universities but also provided a platform to showcase academic achievements. Students presented their research findings through seminars, covering various topics such as cultural exchange and educational innovation. This allowed participating students to gain valuable learning and networking opportunities.

營隊中的互動環節尤為精彩,學生們積極參與,展示了深厚的學術底蘊和批判思考能力。國立屏東大學與武塔拉帝皇家師範大學的教師們也透過座談會交流教學經驗與未來合作的可能性,進一步強化了雙方的合作意向。The interactive sessions of the camp were particularly outstanding, with students actively participating and demonstrating their profound academic knowledge and critical thinking skills. Faculty from National Pingtung University and Uttaradit Rajabhat University also exchanged teaching experiences and discussed future collaboration possibilities through panel discussions, further strengthening the cooperative intentions between the two institutions.

透過此次學術營隊,兩校不僅鞏固了學術合作的橋樑,也為學生們提供了一個互相學習、成長的環境。未來,兩校期待持續合作,共同推動教育創新與文化交流,攜手培養更多國際視野的學者與專業人才。Through this academic camp, the two universities not only consolidated their academic collaboration but also provided an environment for students to learn and grow together. In the future, both institutions look forward to continuing their cooperation to jointly promote educational innovation and cultural exchange, and to cultivate more scholars and professionals with an international perspective.